Wall Mount Bike Racks 8th Ave NYC 10011. Chelsea and the 5 Boroughs have a wide variety of quality wall mount bike racks based on you buildings specific needs. Our most durable #42488 is made of industrial quality with anti theft security cables to wrap around the bike frame, both rims and padlock. This is the only bike bracket with a Lifetime warranty on product defects in the industry.

Wall Mount Bike Racks Long Island City.
Our team based in New York City specializes in designing space efficient, User Friendly bike brackets made of all welded steel with a powder coat finish. Our design team has created a wall mount bike bracket that allows bikes to be spaced just 12″ apart. We then alternate the heights of our brackets so the handlebars do not touch neighboring bikes. Made of industrial quality to insure long term, problem free use. Each or our #42488 Wall mount bike brackets comes with a cushion coated security cable that can be wrapped around the bike frame, both rims and padlocked with the owners lock.

Complimentary Bike Room Layouts. P(888)963-5355

If the bike rooms walls are sheet rock, (gypsum) we suggest adding plywood supports behind the bike brackets to provide secure anchoring as shown in the picture above. We then either paint the walls and plywood supports in a semi gloss paint to allow for easy removal of marks with a wet paper towel. BikeRoomSolutions takes the hassle out of configuring bike room layouts, If your designing a new bike room or need to have your existing bike room reconfigured to add up to 50 % more bikes Contact us today we will help at no charge. Give us a call P(917)837-0032 or fill out our Bike Room Layout Form. and return, We will do the rest.
Wall Mount Bike Racks 8th Ave NYC 10011. Wall Mount Bike Brackets 8th Ave NY, NY 10011.