Tag Archives: Wall Mount Bike Brackets MInnesota

Wall Mount Vertical Bike Brackets Minnesota

Wall Mount Vertical Bike Brackets Minnesota. Easy to use. Designed so bikes can be spaced just 12″ apart. Lockable, Complementary layouts, Lifetime Warranty. Generates Good Revenue. Minnesota’s most popular bike bracket. New 2018 design doubles existing bike room capacity. Free daily deliveries. Use indoors or outside. Minnesota is one of America’s largest Biking States. #42488 Wall Mount Bike Brackets have been installed in numerous locations throughout Minnesota.

Wall Mount Vertical Bike Brackets Minnesota
Wall Mount Vertical Bike Brackets Minnesota. Free bike Room layouts and delivery. Lifetime Warranty. Sales@BikeroomSolutions.com

Manufactured with all welded, powder coat, shiny black finish. Cushion coated. Attached to each #42488 Wall Mount Vertical Bike Brackets Minnesota is a 5′ long cushion coated security cable that can be wrapped around the bike frame, Both rims and secured with the owners lock. Bike Room Solutions provides complementary bike room layouts. Miles of bike room setup tips are included to assist in creating a space saving, Code compliant, Easy to use bike room.

Wall Mount Bike Brackets Minnesota
Wall Mount Vertical Bike Minneapolis. Free layouts and delivery. Sales@BikeRoomSolutions.com

If the bike room walls are sheet rock we suggest adding plywood supports over the gypsum 22″ high x 2″ thick. Install the plywood supports with toggle bolts. Prior to installing the brackets out techs suggest painting the bike wall and plywood supports with a matte or semigloss finish for easy removal of dirt marks with a wet cloth. #42488 Wall Mount Vertical Bike Brackets Minnesota can be installed onto the plywood supports with lag screws. We alternate the heights of the brackets 64″ & 74″ so that the handle bars don’t touch other bikes. This design has been used in hundreds of bike rooms nationwide.

Wall Mount Vertical Bike Brackets Minnesota generates revenue. Today developers, landlords charge a monthly rental fee for onsite bike storage from $15.00 to $25.00 per month. a bike room with 50 bikes spaces being rented out for $15.00 per month would generate $9,000.00 per year in revenue. The bike room typically pays for itself in just 4-5 months. (ROI). BikeRoomSolutions provides Complementary Layouts daily. Contact us today for immediate assistance our office is open Monday through Friday 7AM to 5PM and Saturdays from 7AM to 1PM. Sales@BikeRoomSolutions.com or P(888) 963-5355.

Wall Mount Vertical Bike Brackets Minnesota, Wall Mount Bike Brackets Minnesota, Bike Hangers Minnesota, Wall Mount Bike Racks Minnesota. Wall Mount Vertical Bike Brackets Minneapolis, commercial wall mount bike bracket racks Minnesota, Wall Mount Vertical Bike Brackets delivered daily to Minneapolis, Saint Paul, Rochester, Bloomington, Plymouth, Woodbury, Eagan, Maple Grove, Minnesota.

Wall Mount Bike Brackets Minnesota | Free Layout and Delivery

Wall Mount Bike Brackets Minnesota. Free up valuable floor space while creating a space efficient – User friendly bike room. Bike Room Solutions wall mount bike brackets allow bikes to be stored just 12″ apart. By alternating the height of the brackets the handlebars will not touch neighboring bikes. Our #42488 is the only bike bracket with a 5 year warranty. All welded with powder coat finish, Comes with a 5ft long cushion coated security cable that can be wrapped around the bike frame, both rims and padlocked with the owners lock. Designed to hold any size bike tire. Rated for indoor or outdoor use. Our team provides complimentary bike room layouts, Just email us a sketch of the room with dimensions and we will do the rest.

vertical bike brackets Minnesota
Wall Mount Bike Brackets in Minnesota. #42488 is all welded, Powder coat finish, Rated to hold any size bike tire. Comes with 5ft long security cable to lock bike up with. Free Bike Room Layouts. Sales@BikeRoomSolutions.com

If your walls are sheet rock we recommend adding plywood supports behind the brackets for added support. Then paint the bike wall in a matt or semi gloss finish for easy cleaning of dirt marks.

Contact is today for immediate assistance Sales@BikeRoomSolutions.com or P(888)963-5355

Wall Mount Bike Brackets Minnesota, Vertical Bike Hooks Minnesota.