Bike Racks Jersey City. Vertical wall mount bike racks in Jersey City. Ideal for residential building and parking garages. Designed to allow bikes to be stored on 12″ centers when space is tight. #1888 wall mount bike brackets have a five foot, Cushion coated security cable that can be wrapped around the bike frame, both rims them secured with the bike owners lock.

Well designed, Space efficient and Easy to use bike rooms are an attractive amenity for residential buildings. Our team provides free onsite code compliant layouts daily. Built to last, Manufactured with scruff proof design in powder coat, high gloss black. Wall Mount Bike racks will double the bike room capacity over floor racks.
How to layout a bike room. If able to use one or all four walls, Start 18″ off the corner. Install the first #1888 bike bracket 18″ off the wall and 64″ up from the floor to the bike hook. Install the next bike bracket 12″ from the first bike bracket at 74″ from the bike hook to the floor. Continue installing the bike brackets on 12″ centers and alternating the heights 65″ and 74″. Stop 18″ from the end of the wall.
#1888 installed in Jersey City generate revenue. Today most residential buildings and garages charge a monthly rental fee to use the bike room. Rental rates average $15.00 per month. A bike room with 60 bike spaces renting out for $15.00 each will generate $10,800.00 per year in revenue. The bike room will pay for itself in less than one year. The the bike room will years of monthly revenue.
Our Bike Room techs provide complimentary bike room layouts and quotes either online or onsite. Email us now for fast service
Bike Room Solutions also stocks Tenant Storage Cages in Single Tier – Full height doors and Two tier stacked doors in 24 standard sizes.

Manufactured with 1/4″ thick framed welded wire in rust resistant galvanized. Doors can be 3′ or 4′ wide. Each door has a full height anti theft lock bar and welded hasp for the residents lock. Our Team provides Complimentary Tenant Storage Cage Layouts daily. Contact us today for immediate assistance. email